Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My View On Argentine Football

My final opinion of the crisis in Argentine Football

 1) What do you think of Grondona? Do you believe he is the reason Argentina cannot reach the next level in world football.  I believe he is a dictator and has to leave as soon as possible. He exploits football fans by making them believe everything is fine, but I do not believe he is the reason why Argentina cannot get to the next level in football. The president has very like to do why Argentina cannot get results in big games.

Football will never die

2) Are you in favor of a 38 team tournament? Why do you think they made this tournament?

I am against this. Although it also benefits my local team (Tigre). I believe they made this tournament so they can make more money, but actually it was the governments idea, so they could use the TV rights to advertise. Also, I believe it may be made so the world will look at Argentina and say " wow the largest league in the world".

3) Do you believe Sabella is the right man to manage Argentina?
I wanted him ever since I heard one of his press conferences in 2008. He also realizes that only problem Argentina has is the defense, so he will focus on that. I believe we should start to do what Spain did, chose a base of maybe 35 players, and only play them, so they can get a sense of a team instead of a massive group of individuals. Batista called up over 90 players in his time in charge.

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