Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wembly Here We Come

Players celebrate with Giggs after opener

All I wanted were two away goals. It didn't whether we lost 4-2 or 3-2, but we won 2-0 and played the best football I have seen us play in the last few months. The first half we played five times better but their goalkeeper, Manuel Neur, played as Sir Alex Ferguson said " fantastically", and saved everything, literally everything, but lucky for us he switched off for 5 minutes and in that time we scored twice, but if it was not for
him, we would have won 5-0 minimum and we left Neuer understandably upset and  " irritated". We played like a team that could not be beaten and with Giggs, Rooney and Hernandez in particular playing superbly we really deserved to win.
Rooney acknowledges Hernandez's pass for his goal

Rooney and Giggs scored in the space of 2 minutes to give United a deserved lead. The first goal was a magnificent pass from Rooney in between the two central defenders to Giggs, who cooly slotted between the legs of the goal keeper. Schalke went straight on the attack and when Hernandez dribble past 2 defenders, after a pass from Valencia, then with a pass found Rooney and he quickly hit his shot into the near corner and doubled the lead. He came ended with this score because the manager replaced Hernandez and Rooney with Scholes and Anderson to give the midfield more bite, but with no forwards. 2-0 away from = GAME OVER.


I will be the first to admit that I like offensive football. But, to tell the truth I also like a good tackle and a clean sheet for my defense, I am sure Ferdinand and Vidic are reading my blogs and saying " Attack Attack Attack blah blah blah" which is why I have made this section about our defense. Stats speak for themselves. We have received 3 goals all this season's champions league. ( One an own goal, and none really affect the outcome of the match ). All the goals we have received have been at home, with our defense not letting in a single goal away from England and that stat will remain because our next game is in Old trafford and if we win, we go to Wembly in England. Defense, you are the main reason we have done so well this season!
Too good, for any attack

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