Sunday, May 29, 2011

United So Close, But Not Close Enough

They say to be the best you have to beat the best. We couldn't tonight. Worthy winners Barcelona out-played, out-lasted, out- classed Manchester United. I am usually a very sore loser, but we lost to the best team of the last 10 years, who have now won 3 champions league trophies in the last 5 years. United started well, but when Pedro scored the first goal you could see that this story was not going to have a happy ending. Our defense which was so good in the last couple of games were left chasing Messi's shadow and whenever you do that, the team will pay the consequences. 

Now, to the scoreline, united's 1 came from the run of play and it really was a great goal by Rooney to make it 1-1, but it did not change the momentum, which goals like that usually do. United gave a much improved preformance to the one they gave 2 years ago in Rome, where we poor. The goal, Rooney & Vidic is the only positive thing I can take from the lose. Also, I applaud Barcelona they are the perfect team: all but 4 of the players were brought up in their youth teams, which means that Barcelona will be dominating for years to come. 

Oh, Messi. How I wish you were not from my home country, so I could say what I really think of you. No doubt he is the best player in the world, but without Iniesta or Xavi I do not believe he would be as good. What I like about messi is he is modest in winning, that an the smile on my face when he scores. ( not agianst united =P) The game was hugely respectful with very few fouls and hardly any yellow card and a lot of sportsmanship, rubbish! This is the champions league final! You have to want to win, Barcelona play nice- fine. The opposition have to play tough, but we didn't and we once again payed the consequences. 

Not the best way to say good-bye to Van Der Sar. And maybe Scholes? I have to admit I will be very worried if we only sign 1 player to replace Van Der Sar. Although we lost, Vidic has admitted that Barcelona were better. Argentina's captain Mascherano has said he is already ready for the Copa America in July. Barcelona Coach Pep Guaridiola had previously hinted that he might move to another team should they win the final, but he will now stay.  

             United next season

De Gea- The 20 year old replacement to Van Der Sar. ( literally half the age of van der sar). 

Sneijder- PERFECT! If we get him we will gave a great playmaker for Rooney.

Barcelona are the champions, but United won the league, got to the semi-final of the FA Cup and the runner up to Barcelona i nthe champions league.
Thanks for ready mt blog. Stay safe everyone, peace.

Francisco Roth!

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