Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My View On Argentine Football

My final opinion of the crisis in Argentine Football

 1) What do you think of Grondona? Do you believe he is the reason Argentina cannot reach the next level in world football.  I believe he is a dictator and has to leave as soon as possible. He exploits football fans by making them believe everything is fine, but I do not believe he is the reason why Argentina cannot get to the next level in football. The president has very like to do why Argentina cannot get results in big games.

Football will never die

2) Are you in favor of a 38 team tournament? Why do you think they made this tournament?

I am against this. Although it also benefits my local team (Tigre). I believe they made this tournament so they can make more money, but actually it was the governments idea, so they could use the TV rights to advertise. Also, I believe it may be made so the world will look at Argentina and say " wow the largest league in the world".

3) Do you believe Sabella is the right man to manage Argentina?
I wanted him ever since I heard one of his press conferences in 2008. He also realizes that only problem Argentina has is the defense, so he will focus on that. I believe we should start to do what Spain did, chose a base of maybe 35 players, and only play them, so they can get a sense of a team instead of a massive group of individuals. Batista called up over 90 players in his time in charge.



I asked my brother, my father and his friend about the recent happenings in Argentine football.
(FE) Federico Roth, my father, 45, River Plate Fan
(JS) Juanchi Serra, father's friend, 43, River Plate fan
(FR) Felipe Roth, my brother, 12, Football fan.

1) What do you think of Grondona? Do you believe he is the reason Argentina cannot reach the next level in world football?

Julio Grondona - dictator?

(FE)- I think Grondona is a dictator within AFA. He is old and out of touch of football, after 38 years ( in charge) he should make way for a younger generation.
(FR)- He is not doing a good job as president. I belive he is the reason Argentina cannot reach the next level in football.
(JS)- I don't like to focus on the negative aspects of football, or the politically side of football, but I believe he should make way for another President.

2) Are you in favor of a 38 team tournament? Why do you think they made this tournament?
(FR)-  No (not in favor). I believe they only made this tournament so River Plate go back to the first division, and Racing & Boca don't descend.
(FE)-No. They did this so River Plate go to the same level as the other teams. I, as a River Plate fan, do not want River the regain their category in that way.
(JS)- I believe this shows the level of corruption in Argentine football. I believe they made this tournament so River plate can go back to the First Division

3) Do you believe Sabella is the right man to manage Argentina?
(JS)- It should have been J.J Lopez (all laugh). Seriously? I do not believe he is the right man for the job. He is too inexperienced.

(FE)- I believe he is the right man for the job. He has a calm analytical personality, and he doesn't like to be a like to be baby (doesn't blame other people).
(FR)-He was the coach of Estudiantes, right? He did a really good job there, but I believe all he has to do is choose the right players.

I now interviewed my firend who is a die hard Boca Juniors fan
1) What do you think of Grondona? Do you believe he is the reason Argentina cannot reach the next level in world football? 
He is bad for Argentine football. He is a thief who abuses of the money provided by AFA.

2) Are you in favor of a 38 team tournament? Why do you think they made this tournament?
Well, I should be in favour of the tournament, right? *laughs. But, I am against it, although it benefits Boca ( because they are fighting relegation). They made this so the big teams stay and River returns.

3) Do you believe Sabella is the right man to manage Argentina?
 He is a great coach, but I don't believe he is the right man for the job. I believe it should have been someone who was always been a great coach; like Garreca ( Velez's coach) or Carlos Bianchi. Although I would love Maradona to return.

RiBer Plate; a classic joke
The next Interview is from Dougal Feguson, a scotsman living in Buenos Aires
He started of saying" (as a) Scotsman living in Argentina. I used to love football, and now, to be honest, I don´t. It's a soap opera, a telenovela for men."
1) What do you think of Grondona? Do you believe he is the reason Argentina cannot reach the next level in world football?
I don't think the problem is only Grondona. From what I know about him he is self-interested and short-sighted, but the problem of la selección isn't really what determined by happens in domestic football as so few of the team plays in Argentina.

2) Are you in favor of a 38 team tournament? Why do you think they made this tournament?
No, not at all (not in favor). The 38 tournament is ridiculous, for a number of reasons. Whether it is to allow River to return immediately to the top division of not, sport should be meritocracy: same rules for everyone. If you're good enough, you succeed. If not, you fail. One of the best things about sport is that it is without prejudice; you are judged only on your results. The feeling that the rules are changed to protect the Big 4 is terrible.

3) Do you believe Sabella is the right man to manage Argentina?
I don't know. I thought Basile was doing a good job before the Copa America. The problem is Messi; he's the best player in the world, but he is often very very poor for Argentina, although it is almost blasphemy to say so to an Argentine. Like Lampard for England; so good at Chelsea, ineffective for England.

The Next Manager of Argentina- Sabella

Dougal then continues his criticism of Leo Messi by saying he should be dropped from the team, but accepts that is not a realistic option "The decision of the coach is whether you drop your best player for the benefit of the team. An Argentine coach would last about 30 seconds after dropping Messi. So you have to try to get the best out of him, which Batista seemed to be doing. Sabella: best next option, I would say."

From these interviews there is one reocurring theme throughout- Argentine football needs change. All of the people seem to think Grondona is the reason why Argentine are not doing so well in football. They are also all against the 38- team tournament (which since has been dismissed by AFA), but they have mixed feelings about Sabella. They all seem satisfied with Sabella, but believe Argentina could do better. Overall, I believe Argentines are still waiting for Messi to step it up for Argentina, but in my opinion they are expecting too much from the nacional team, they dont have the defense to make a winning team.

Change for the better in Argentine football?

Crisis in Argentine Football

It is easy to see football as just a beautiful sport. Unfortunately there are problems outside the football pitch that threaten to sully the good name football has made for itself. Julio Grondona, president for 32 years, has been the center of controversy for the last couple of weeks in Argentina.

Billions of people watch football everyday
The most impacting thing is his pending decision to make a 38 tournament merging the second division and the first division into one. The immediate reaction of the people was that the decision was made to bring River Plate back into the first division after being relegated, but there are other reasons why the decision would benefit the government and AFA.

The government would be in favor of this because of the TV rights. The government would be able to advertise their campaigns helping the people. It is election year in Argentina, so this would go down well with the fans of Boca Juniors, River Plate, Racing and San Lorenzo and that is at least 40% of the country.

The is another big problem which is a massive number of meaningless games. The structure is as followed: At the beginning of the season the teams are divided into 2 groups of 19. The top 19 teams make their own tournament and play out for the top spots, while the other teams would be fighting to avoid relegation. The problem is the number of viewers in the later league would be very diminutive.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

United So Close, But Not Close Enough

They say to be the best you have to beat the best. We couldn't tonight. Worthy winners Barcelona out-played, out-lasted, out- classed Manchester United. I am usually a very sore loser, but we lost to the best team of the last 10 years, who have now won 3 champions league trophies in the last 5 years. United started well, but when Pedro scored the first goal you could see that this story was not going to have a happy ending. Our defense which was so good in the last couple of games were left chasing Messi's shadow and whenever you do that, the team will pay the consequences. 

Now, to the scoreline, united's 1 came from the run of play and it really was a great goal by Rooney to make it 1-1, but it did not change the momentum, which goals like that usually do. United gave a much improved preformance to the one they gave 2 years ago in Rome, where we poor. The goal, Rooney & Vidic is the only positive thing I can take from the lose. Also, I applaud Barcelona they are the perfect team: all but 4 of the players were brought up in their youth teams, which means that Barcelona will be dominating for years to come. 

Oh, Messi. How I wish you were not from my home country, so I could say what I really think of you. No doubt he is the best player in the world, but without Iniesta or Xavi I do not believe he would be as good. What I like about messi is he is modest in winning, that an the smile on my face when he scores. ( not agianst united =P) The game was hugely respectful with very few fouls and hardly any yellow card and a lot of sportsmanship, rubbish! This is the champions league final! You have to want to win, Barcelona play nice- fine. The opposition have to play tough, but we didn't and we once again payed the consequences. 

Not the best way to say good-bye to Van Der Sar. And maybe Scholes? I have to admit I will be very worried if we only sign 1 player to replace Van Der Sar. Although we lost, Vidic has admitted that Barcelona were better. Argentina's captain Mascherano has said he is already ready for the Copa America in July. Barcelona Coach Pep Guaridiola had previously hinted that he might move to another team should they win the final, but he will now stay.  

             United next season

De Gea- The 20 year old replacement to Van Der Sar. ( literally half the age of van der sar). 

Sneijder- PERFECT! If we get him we will gave a great playmaker for Rooney.

Barcelona are the champions, but United won the league, got to the semi-final of the FA Cup and the runner up to Barcelona i nthe champions league.
Thanks for ready mt blog. Stay safe everyone, peace.

Francisco Roth!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Manchester United Up Agianst Bareclona In The Final

One final push.One game to show that all the hard work this season meant something. The game of the year, no the game of the last 5 years is here. Why do I say it is the best game of the last 5 years? Well, firstly in 2009 this game was played Barcelona won. Secondly, over the last 5 years either United or Barcelona has made either the final or semi-final of the cup and finally they are the undisputed champions of the English and Spanish leagues.

I am not expecting a 5-4 win or 4-2 I am not expecting many goals, because it is the best defense in the cup against the best offense. I expect them to cancel each other out and the 2 or 3 goals in the game to be very scrappy. Xavi Hernandez ( Barcelona player) has hailed Manchester United, as had Messi and Pep Guirdiola ( coach) . I like it both teams have a lot of respect for one another, but it may be too much respect. I hope the game gets a hard tackle in the opening minutes so the players understand it is a cup final and not a kick-a-around.

I have 3 worries for Manchester United tomorrow: number 1) Is Hernandez strong enough to face Pique?  He believes he is ready, but at 22 years of age he is very young and little. the second problem is Giggs. HE IS AMAZING ! But, will this be one step too far for him? I hope not. If he is fully fit the game will favor united, if not......well I do not think Gibson is a good replacement. number 3) The lose in the final of 2009....... will that be a factor in this game? Evra has said he is " not allowed" to lose another final. If United can overcome these problems and Carrick can keep playing the way he was playing in the games against Chelsea and Schalke, United could win this game, but the problem when you play Barca is you switch off for a second and BANG you are chasing the back of Messi. Ask any defender, thats not good.

Coach Time
The Barceolna team pretty much chooses itself: Valdez, Dani Alves, Pique, Puyol, Abidal, Busquets, Xavi, Iniesta, Messi, Villa and Perdo. Over the last couple of Champions league games United have featured the same squad and the results show that it works, the only positions that have raised eye brows are the Right Back and Left Winger. The right back spot is between the two twins: Rafa and Fabio. Rafa has more experience, but Fabio has been playing more often, If you would have asked me 4 days ago I would have said Rafa, but now I want to see Fabio. The Left winger is interesting because we need a player who can attack and defend.- Park, but Nani was voted the best player........ What I want to do is start with Park and in the 60th minute regardless of the result, put Nani on to cause Abidal a whole lot of problems. 

Prediction: My final prediction of the season ;( I can only see United winning. If United play there way and pressure Barcelona high up the pitch, we could win! As Sir Alex has said. We are the underdogs, but how often do underdogs win? I would say 70 % of the time =P


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

United Finish On A High Note

The Celebrations start
United are champions and have the trophy to prove it. The Game itself was a great game for all the United fans. United put a very strong starting line up, which included: Vidic, Nani and Park. United took the lead in the 25th minute with a goal from Ji-Sung Park. Blackpool then hit back with a Charlie Adam goal, and then took the lead! But after a Anderson goal, A own-goal by Ivvat, and a cool finish by Micheal Owen - United won the game and Blackpool were relegated to the Championship.

Ryan Giggs with tittle number 12

The United captain, Vidic, did not want United to have a massive celebration so they could focus on the Champions League final against Barcelona on Saturday. (I AM REALLY EXICTED FOR THAT GAME! ) but, there was a lot of things drank, it was a party. I really did not Blackpool to be relegated because they played very nice football and played with their hearts, I have to admit when Blackpool were winning, I kind of wanted them to hold on to their lead, but when I saw Owen warming up and when Vidic came off for Rooney, it was obvious what was going to happen.  

Thank You Ferguson
I do not enjoy writing about other games, but the last game of the season was epic, in terms of the bottom half of the table. I will try to tell the story as easy as I can. The day started with Wigan and Blackpool being relegated, that changed when Tottenham scored and put Birmingham in the Relegation zone. At half time blackburn were winning 3-0 which meant Wolves were in the relegation zone with Wigan. But then Wolves scored twice. Tottenham scored again. Manchester United Beat Blackpool and Wigan scored in the last couple of minutes. Blackpool and Birmingham were relegated. I do not mean to be disrespectful, but I have nothing else to say. United are the best team in England - for a record 19th time, and the season is over. Oh well just 2 months before the league starts again, and the Copa America will kept me entertained. BUT before that there is a MASSIVE MATCH AGAINST BARELONA!          

Thank you for a great season.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

United Hope To Finish On A High

Adam - Captain and Heart of Blackpool
Although we are already champions this game is extremely important. United will rest their top players for the Champions League final, so will field a "weak" squad for this game ( our " weak squad" beat Schalke 4-1), but the problem is that if we lose or draw Blackpool will escape relegation and we would be sued by the primer league. 

Owen- Will get the chance to shine
 United have played with their top players in the last 2 months so it would be fair to give them a break. I believe even our reserves can beat Blackpool. This is the last game for Van Der Sar. Who say it will be the saddest moment of his career. Fergusson said he will give a couple of first team players chances to prove they can play against Barcelona next week.

Coach Time
United will rest: Rooney, Fans player of the year Hernandez, Players player of the season Nani, And Primer League player of the season Vidic. Although our top players will not play, I expect United to attack, attack & attack some more. I am hoping we can keep all their forwards quiet throughout the game and hit them on the counter because with the likes of: Anderson, Bebe And Obertan we will be the faster team.I hope Fletcher will be available for the final, so I wish he could play only for an hour or so.
 Predicted Result 
Not expecting a great game. 1-0 win to United Berbatov to score. Hopefully Blackpool wont be relegated because it will be a sad day to celebrate